This is a 12 week programme, developed over many years of intensive research & testing.
DAV-4 is for horses:
- with a known virus
- suffering from post viral syndrome
- ‘not quite right’ which may be symptoms or the aftermath of an undiagnosed virus
The same can be seen in humans who may be carrying/fighting a viral load. Their health ebbs & flows.
Unlike allopathic (pharmaceutical) antivirals viruses cannot build resistance to herbs.
How does DAV-4 work?
Formula 1 – Cytokine Disruption
Inhibits the uncontrollable inflammatory immune response which can damage organs.
(Formula 1 is given in week 1, week, 5 and week 9.)
Formula 2 – Organ Protection
Heart, gut, liver, lungs, respiratory.
(Formula 2 is given in week 2, week 6 and week 10.)
Formula 3 – Immune Moderator
Balances the immune system.
(Formula 3 is given in week 3, week 7 and week 11.)
Formula 4 – Anti-inflammatory
(Formula 4 is given in week 4, week 8 and week 12.)
All four formulas contain herbal antivirals.